Announcing the STREAMITY 2.0

Streamity is an autonomous company on the Binance Smart Chain

4 min readOct 7, 2020

Streamity is an autonomous company with a community management system created on the Binance Smart Chain to provide services in finance, education, healthcare, science, and sports spheres.

We have been committed to the ideals of decentralization, security, and freedom. We see our future in a world where anyone can access financial services without fear of discrimination or counterparty risk.

We create products that interact with the Binance Smart Chain, and the STM token unites the entire Streamity ecosystem, increasing the attractiveness of the products being developed. As interest in the entire ecosystem is growing, the demand for STM is growing as well. We believe that community-led ecosystem growth, development, and self-sufficiency will be much more effective. The STM token now serves such a mission. It is created through a governance system that will actively guide Streamity into the future, as well as a public reserve that will be shared among all participants.

STM token holders have a direct impact on ecosystem development through voting. You can vote for each proposal yourself or transfer your votes to a third party. To submit proposals, a minimum threshold of 1% of the total volume of all STM tokens is required, so any holder of 990,000 STM or more is essentially entitled to vote.

STM distribution

40% — community members’ public reserve of 39.6 million STM
40% — free circulation (for investors and early participants) of 39.6 million STM
20% — team members and employees, 19.8 million STM

Ecosystem Profit Distribution (STM)

50% — replenishment of the public reserve
48% — team members, employees
2% — charity

STM tokens Public Reserve

The public reserve will be regularly distributed, by voting for grants, strategic partnerships, philanthropy, management initiatives, new liquidity pools, emission reductions, and other programs.

Liquidity Pools Refills

As the initial task of the project is to create a decentralized financial infrastructure on Binance Smart Chain within 4 months, up to 10,000,000 STM will be allocated. This may seem an overpriced allocation, but we appreciate participants who provided liquidity when overall liquidity was low.

The initial liquidity replenishment program will launch on 17 October 2020 at 12:00 p.m. London time and will be called kristi_2. It will be ended in 2 months on December 16, 2020, at noon London time. The program targets the following 4 pools:


Up to 5,000,000 STM will be allocated to these pools in proportion to liquidity. To receive a reward, you need to send your STM-N tokens (pool ownership ratio tokens) to the smart contract of the public reserve distribution pool. The distribution characteristics are as follows:

BNB — STM = 1,900,000 STM / 2M
BUSD — STM = 1,800,000 STM / 2M
BNB — USDT = 500,000 STM / 2M
ETH — DAI = 400,000 STM / 2M
BNB — BTC = 400,000 STM / 2M

Which corresponds, with the distribution of 1,900,000 STM for 2 months in a pair of BNB — STM:
31,666.66 STM to pool per day
221,666.66 STM to pool per week

You can withdraw your STM-N from the pool at any time while receiving your share of the distribution in proportion program participation time. Then there is an option to close your pool completely and withdraw the liquidity. The formula is calculated in such a way that all distributions will be counted based on STM-Ns that provided liquidity. The formula takes the liquidity of STM-N into account at each block closure, at a time when one of the five pools was filled and the program was launched.

At the end of the kristi_2 program, the kristi_2.2 program will be launched, provided that it is supported by the participants voting. The participating pools will be determined 7 days before the start of kristi_2.2. The next 5,000,000 STM will be allocated for distribution for that.

Subsequent Vote

All following programs will be determined by voting. Ecosystem members will be able to vote to allocate STM tokens for grants, strategic partnerships, charities, governance initiatives, new liquidity pools, burning tokens to reduce emissions, and other programs. It is planned to receive new profits in the public reserve pool by this time. So, this process will never come to an end. New arrivals will supplement the system each time and give it many new opportunities.
The community-driven public reserve pool opens up a world of endless chances. We hope to see many experiments, including ecosystem grants and public goods funding, that can help the Streamity ecosystem improve.

Streamity Management

Streamity management and full control over the public reserve pool will begin on December 16, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. London time at the end of the kristi_2 program. The 2-month period gives the community enough time to become familiar with the management system, attract quality and diverse set of ecosystem delegates, and initiate discussions and information exchange on potential management proposals. STM holders are responsible for ensuring that corporate governance decisions are made under applicable laws and regulations, so the Streamity team has about 20% of the tokens left to proceed control and some influence on voting decisions, but the token holders remain the majority of the votes. Eventually, management may return to the team, due to the 45% revenue generated, but the distribution terms may be revised for the Streamity ecosystem members.

Details in the whitepaper:

Interested in Streamity? Get in touch:

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